Photo by Berkman Center for Internet & Society, via Flickr (CC license)
Librarians are the navigators of knowledge and access at University. As search and content companies further engage in the realm of University and its Library, how do the roles of library, librarians, and library tools evolve, particularly into digital space? With libraries embracing new content delivery services, creating their own digital taxonomies and resources, and negotiating new relationships with users and vendors, what are the implications for our greatest repositories of knowledge? New tools for mining, mashing up, and networking knowledge are evolving everyday, so how do libraries interface with copyright issues while still forwarding the mission of scholarship? Is there a conflict?
Facilitators: David Weinberger (Berkman Fellow), Jessamyn C. West (Librarian), Cathy Norton (Woods Hole Institute Library)
Download the MP3 (time: 1:43:47).
Visit the Internet & Society 2007 wiki to learn more about this working group session.