SJ, Wikipedian and OLPC'an. Feel free to leave me messages on one of my wiki-talk pages.
friday notes
terry fisher made a comment at the end of is2k2 about how opening their resources would dilute its brandand we should do it anyway. jp puts himonthe spot to update that idea...
things have changed a bit - look at google and uni ibraries comingtogether to giveup what mght be considred their copetitive eadvantage - accexss to knowledge to the wold at large. theere is still a question of thequality ofthe service that could be isributed to peoplephysicallyatthe university. butasfaculty members spend lesstime supervisintg phd dissertations and working withtheirown students bc theyare reaching outwards--thats muchmoreworrisomeinmyview than thedilution ofbrand.
harry lewis -q- is there anyinformationatallthat h or mithas hadadilutino of brand/ h has a continuing ed program that is very much reduced in price, for 50 years. i personallysiton boths ides of thisiama gatekeeper, part oftheharvardcollegeadmissions committee; and you canwatchthespring coursethat peoplegothrough this inredible process to gothrough-8t isup there ontheweb to bgo through it.ijust dont -were assumingtherewill be abrand dilution aeffect iftwegivethesethings away, but.
w - ithink rather than dilution, this wilmake brand more prominent. the ocw logoisnt justocw, itis mit. rightnow, people cometo both uniersities to havve their photos take. opening thisupmakesthe brandstronger... but it bcomes almost a marketing tool...
q - i attended the digital aidentityconference. terryisherwastalkigabout howbrand creates artificial exclusivity, makesitexpensive, andthen peple sue like hel if thebrand ismisused. then there was apanel in termsof harvards roleand responsibility to comunities beyond theivywalls, in camb, boston,mass, us, theworld.ibelievepressummers spoke tothat issue, and said, harvad makes more than this adequate contribution to local command natl comm and the world byteaching and writing and researching, producing world scholars and leaders, implying there was no further upbligation to disseminate knowledge from with the brand...